Saturday, 15 July 2023

Game report May 21th 2023, fictional ECW battle - Covenanters vs English

On the PMCD Mobilisatie blog:

Friday, 7 June 2019

Ninove 1692 - 15/16 June 2019

On Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June, the city of Ninove and SOLVA bring the seventeenth-century army camp at the archaeological site Doorn Noord back to life with the historic spectacle Ninove, 1692. Re-enactors and the finds complete the picture.

In the meantime, a great deal is already known about the findings from archaeological research. They are military camps from 1692.

"It was the main army of the Great Alliance that fought against Louis XIV during the Nine Year War from 1688 to 1697. That was led by William III, King of England, and Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria, governor of the Spanish Netherlands. The camp had about sixty thousand soldiers and forty thousand horses, was about eight kilometers long and spread to Nederhasselt, Okegem and almost as far as Liedekerke, "says archaeologist Arne Verbrugge of SOLVA.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Information on the British Civil Wars regiments

On the Yahoo Group, RenWars, Mr Stephen Ede-Borret posted an interesting link on regimental information.

The Link

The Yahoo group:

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Replay at the wargame convention in Ghent 8 March 2014

Allied right flank with the scottisch frame guns deployed
The table for the replay was not the full 4m we hoped for what resulted in a slightly modified deployment. The allied left had less room and one Scottish brigade  was overlapping with the right flank.
Also we did a little downsize in the number of units. Certainly because we were only 3 this time to play the game. Ronny took the Royalist armies, Kristof and Dirk the Allied armies.

Royalist right

The game started with an allied advance in the centre and on the left flank.
With the Royalist batteries overlapping the allied left, they became a target for Cromwell’s cavalry. They charged them and overrun them both, taking one casualty,  after which they fell back, not taking the risk fighting against the foot regiments.  The allied brigades

The commanded musketeers were driven back quickly as the brigades closed in.

Machester brigades and Baillie's brigades pushed away the defenders behind the ditch.

Bad dicing all along the game by Ronny in the centre (brigades ignorirng one flag, and as of Manchester's were veteran ignored one extra), many flags but not enough to have effect.  His regiments started melting away, while the first line brigades of the allies were still standing.

Cromwell and Vermuyden charged successfully Lord Byrons command, Cromwell's elite troops making the difference and routing one unit after the other. 

A minister attached to a Scottish brigade inspiring them do fight harder. 

Blaksiton horse charged in and was destroyed. Prince Rupert now only had his liveguard.
In the centre the battle was over

On the Royalist left, a whole other story. Lord Goring charged and almost completly destroyed  Sit Thomas Fairfax command. However, Goring's troops had to go in pursuit and he had to follow.  The test to return failed untill the last turn, but this was to late.

Lambert troops on their turn were charged by royalist commander of the second line of the Royalist left, but the outcome didn't matter any more. The Royalist armies never had sight of victory.

Dave of caliverbooks was present, and he gave me the first copies of the Italian versions of About Bonaparte and About Caesar:  AVANTI